Journalling - A powerful tool for TRANSFORMATION

- pic An Organised Life via Pinterest

“i dream my painting & i paint my dream.“ van gogh

‘Although sometimes you might just need to get everything out, making the process of journaling into a ritual is a great way to practice self care. Whether that be over your morning coffee, at night with a cup of tea, in bed at the end of the day, outside watching the sunset/sunrise, while listening to your favourite playlist or burning a beautiful candle - your thoughts are precious so be kind to yourself as you allow them to be released freely.’

- An Organised Life

Journalling is highly personal and offers you a powerful TOOL to get to know yourself, uncover what truly matters to you, help you define what you want to work towards, tap into your creativity without judgement or criticism, turn your day around through the practice of gratitude, hype you up, calm you down before bed and offers an opportunity to slow down, all through the simple act of putting pen to paper.

Like anything the key to journalling is consistency, creating a habit or practice that you enjoy and see the benefits of and your INTENTION. it’s all about getting your thoughts out of your mind and onto paper and can often help uncover insights about yourself, whether it’s a daily practice, weekly wrap up or creating a monthly vision or summary of what has been.


It’s important to use pen and paper to get the most benefit out of journalling.

If you’re looking to create a regular practice, pick a time of day, could be morning when you first wake up or the end of the day before you go to bed, it’s easier to stick to a new habit if you do it at the same time each day. Note these are the times of day (before and after sleep) + following meditation that are easier to access the subconscious mind, which is where change and insights reside.

According to a study performed at the Indiana University, the mere action of writing by hand engages the brain in learning and unleashes creativity not easily accessed in any other way. Writing by hand increases neural activity in certain sections of the brain, much like meditation.


Write whatever comes to mind for either a set period or a number of pages and allow whatever comes to come.


Gratitude reminds us to bring to mind everyday things that we may otherwise take for granted and can be really beneficial for clearing out the day and turning your mind to the positive before sleep, to prevent ruminating on the day and being kept up all night. The practice itself is simple, write it, REPEAT it internally, or say it out loud. I am grateful for ___

For more on gratitude, read the full article here.


Essentially this means doing what serves you most on the day. Gratitude, creating a vision for the day, to-do lists, writing quotes that resonate, letting go of frustrations, whatever feels right in the moment. Trish our founder, loves to free journal, finding power in the freedom and continuity of a daily practice, particularly on days of low energy or lack of inspiration as it offers a powerful tool for transformation.


we looked to the experts at An Organised Life for prompts to get us started.


Get to know Beck Wadworth, Founder of An Organised Life

  • What am I grateful for - discover our Gratitude Notebook

  • Things that inspired me today 

  • What’s on my mind

  • Short term & long term goals

  • A bucket list of people, things & places you want to see - our Limitless Notebook is perfect for this 

  • What are my wins for the day, week or month

  • What does my ideal day look like

  • Reflect on the day, week or month 


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