neel van lierop, founder inner compass

Why did you start Inner Compass?  

The distractions of the rat-race we live in, made me feel lost. I started longing for direction and finding my own essence. I had done many things in the realms of spirituality and personal development, but not integrated all what I learned. I was more carrying it as knowledge. Until I started using cards daily. After a few months I started to receive downloads on life themes. I starting writing and later I felt the epiphany that it was meant to be for a card deck.

What did you have for breakfast?

Nothing, I've been doing Intermittent Fasting for 4 years now. This simple lifehack makes me feel much fitter each day and I discovered I only need half of the food than I thought.

What is your biggest health non-negotiable? 

No processed food or GMO. I just don't buy it. Only real food, which means most days I eat only veggies, meat and fish and some 'origin' chocolate.

What is your favourite daily ritual? 

Pulling cards and walking the dog.

What is your biggest indulgence? 

Listening to tarot readings on youtube.

What does sustainability mean to you?

For me it's a lifestyle. Finding what works for mind, body and spirit in the long run. After many years of trial and error on basically every field in life, I'm very grateful that I came to the point where I found sustainable solutions that work for me: what I eat, when I eat. What exercise I do, when I do it (dancing and cycling, the moment when I feel like it). The way I relate to others. The way I work and run the company. The way I create new things.

Long story short: the way I live.

What does luxury mean to you?  

It's also part of a lifestyle I think. You decide for yourself what luxury or wealth means to you and what's important for you and what you desire. I have high standards because I like quality products and I care about their origin. Therefore I prefer to buy local or handcrafted.


Living Skin


One Eleven