Our Fundamentals - keep it simple, repeat forever!
eat drink move breathe sleep
Here, we wholeheartedly believe it’s possible to live life on High and in order to help you achieve this state, we focus on these basic fundamentals of wellness, in every aspect of what we do.
Mind blowing in their originality, NO. Simple and oh so mighty, YES.
We believe, one of the biggest misses when it comes to supporting wellbeing is the oversight of the simple in search of an easier way, a magic bullet kinda way.
In the search, we miss how much control we have every single day, at every single meal, with every single choice we make, to influence how we feel, how we look and how we experience life.
It’s not what we do some of the time, but what we do most of the time that matters.
Everything is interconnected, from how you wake up in the morning to how you get back to sleep at night. Every touchstone across the day impacts your overall wellbeing. Sleep affects energy and food cravings; food affects energy, mood and sleep, every one of these touches upon the other, it’s an endless cycle of cause and effect.
As a society, we miss the mark on how great we can feel. We are taught to work hard, often putting everyone else’s needs in front of our own. I can’t help but wonder what would happen if instead, we were taught to work smarter not harder and understood that it’s easier to pour from a cup that overflows rather than one that is half empty?
The Fundamentals of High Health
You are quite literally, what you eat, (or more accurately, what you absorb).
“Every day your body gives birth to new cells and tissue—out of necessity. Every month your skin cells turn over. Your stomach lining renews every five days, your liver every six weeks, and your skeleton every three months. Imagine the work involved behind those scenes, and the compromises that must occur when the body lacks the right raw materials needed for it to function at its optimal level.” – Howard Murad
Drinking with meals or within 30 mins either side of eating can affect digestion.
Surprisingly the simple act of drinking enough water throughout the day, is one of the biggest challenges for people, so if you struggle with getting your 8 glasses of water in a day, you are not alone.
Sitting is the new smoking.
The benefits of movement for your body and mind are endless, however we now spend the vast majority of our days sitting, impacting our overall health, weight and mood.
Movement is also one of the only ways to support your lymphatic system, which is responsible for helping clear toxins from the body and needs regular stimulation to keep things moving freely.
“The only thing that stays with you from birth to death is your breath.” - Jay Shetty
This is one of my favourite pillars. I have spent the last year studying breathwork and meditation in order to be able to support you so much more around the power of your breath.
Having spent the last year diving deep into the breathwork, I have seen an incredible transformation in my energy and how I show up in the world.
The only way a human being can consciously control whether they are in a state of ‘flight/flight’ or ‘rest/digest’ is through extending the exhale.
Ashley Neese, renowned breathwork teacher, shares in her book, How to Breathe, ‘when you extend your exhale by one or two counts longer than your inhale and you practice this for a couple of minutes, your heart rate will slow down. This sends a message to the brain saying that everything is more peaceful and calm than it was a few minutes ago. This lets the brain support this shift further by turning on the rest-and-digest mode of the nervous system, which goes back from the brain to the body.’
A simple breathwork to try if you are feeling a little stressed, anxious, overwhelmed or just want to ‘drop in’ at the end of a busy day is the Extended Exhale Breath below.
extended exhale breath
Sit comfortably with your back straight or lie down.
Take a few deep breaths, inhale and exhale to clear away the day.
Inhale for a count of 4
1, 2, 3, 4
Exhale for a count of 6
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Focusing on the inhale and the exhale, nice even inhales, nice even exhales. When you get distracted, simply coming back to the count and focusing on the breath.
Repeat for 3 minutes or as desired.
Sleep can affect food cravings as we crave sugary food to give us energy if we’re tired.
We all know the importance of getting enough sleep for our health and for our performance both physically and mentally but did you know that sleep is when our bodies repair, remove toxins, clean up free radicals and effectively spring clean the damage we have done throughout the day so we wake up renewed for the day ahead?
The struggle for getting sufficient sleep is real. From work commitments, to children waking you up at night, that last few Netflix episodes to get through or simply a struggle to wind down and rest easy.
We will dive SO MUCH DEEPER into each of these going forward including the power of habit and a daily routine, in the interim, remember, life is short and for living well, however, hopefully it’s also long and you want to enjoy all of it in good health, not just the stuff up front, so enjoy and MAKE GOOD CHOICES.
Xxx Trish
“The idea is to die young as late as possible.”
- Ashley Montagu