Why is Journaling Such a Powerful Tool
Have you had the experience of calling a loved one for advice or support and you sit on the phone waiting for a chance to speak? They are giving you great advice but you wished they would be quiet for a minute and listen? We can’t help it - we want to help so badly that we forget the greatest help is simply to be with that person, listen, and ask questions. That’s what we really want and need. This is one of the nourishing benefits of journaling - A tool we can use to sit with ourselves and offer that support and inquisitive introspection. Where we get to tap into a place of deep knowing and truth.
When we want to start something new - like journaling it's helpful to understand why we would do it, this helps with our motivation. So, together, let’s delve into why journaling is such a powerful tool and how it can positively impact us. The practice of journaling is subtle and simple yet totally profound.
Going back to when we are speaking on the phone - not getting a word in might I add. It can feel so frustrating because you already know the answers, you know what you want to do and how you want to solve the problem. That knowledge is already within you, you can feel it. Through journaling (and therapy) we can tap into this place, our unconscious mind. Freud, (the founder of psychoanalysis) described the unconscious as a potent part of the human mind. It’s an infinite source of wisdom and truth.
When we relax and write whatever comes to mind we tap into this place, accessing insights and solutions that we can’t seem to access just by thinking about them. Journaling allows us to slow down, reflect, gain clarity, and find patterns and solutions. It’s those ah-ha moments, those ones that change everything. From this place, we improve our self-awareness.
We live in a world that encourages self-censorship. We quieten our thoughts, opinions, and feelings to fit in, keep the peace or out of fear of disapproval. I know people even lie to their own therapists - eak. We can’t help it, it’s so ingrained. Your journal is a space where you get to be completely honest. A tool where you can connect with your true self and cultivate greater self-awareness (our greatest asset).
When we write our thoughts down we get physical space between our thoughts and the page this space allows us to see more clearly. This could look like discovering patterns in your life that keep having a negative impact, noticing projections or internal desires. With this new knowledge comes self-awareness, choice and change.
I'm almost certain we know from personal experience that bottling up our feelings doesn’t feel good. When we instead start expressing our feelings and worries through writing we “offload” them. We know through research from Baylor University’s Sleep Neuroscience and Cognition lab that this “offloading” reduces worry but also allowed participants in their study to fall asleep faster. Wow!
Your brain is constantly trying to remember things (it's part of it's many jobs), it goes over and over on a thought, however when we write it down it’s like a permission slip to your brain to let it go, as you have written it down so won’t forget (1). This seemingly small process allows the brain to let the thought go and relax. Hello sleep!
Research has shown that journaling can have profound effects on our emotional wellbeing too. By expressing our thoughts and feelings in our journal (a safe space), we can begin to place these feelings down - literally. Letting them go. This can be particularly beneficial for managing stress, and anxiety like we have spoken about. But also to process uncomfortable emotions. By providing a safe place, we relax and start to process these emotions we usually kept stored in the body (2).
As we are writing these feelings out we are being deeply curious (not critical). We are curious about what comes up, like we would if a friend were expressing their feelings with us. This calm and kind exploration allows us to explore what’s going on, fostering a deeper understanding of ourselves and our experiences. Leading to greater emotional resilience and an expanded capacity to cope. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by our emotions, we become better equipped to navigate life’s challenges. This is subtle in the moment and becomes more physically noticeable over time.
Give it a try and welcome the transformative power of journaling into your own life.
Give it a try and welcome the transformative power of journaling into your own life.
Klein, K. and Boals, A. (2001). Expressive writing can increase working memory capacity.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 130(3), 520-533. https://doi.org/10.1037/0096-3445.130.3.520
Portman, S. (2019). Reflective journaling: a portal into the virtues of daily writing. The Reading Teacher, 73(5), 597-602. https://doi.org/10.1002/trtr.1877
Papazoglou, K. and Andersen, J. P. (2014). A guide to utilizing police training as a tool to promote resilience and improve health outcomes among police officers.. Traumatology: An International Journal, 20(2), 103-111. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0099394