Antioxidant Mix

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amplify, your daily habits + routines.

I love the term LAZY FANCY! To me that means, making the simple foods we eat a little ‘extra’. Lets face it, most of the time we are just trying to get the food done and eaten, however having a few things in mind that elevate a meal or a snack, is really helpful for a few reasons.

30-40% of our digestion takes place through our experience of food, before we even eat it! First, we rely on our senses of sight + smell to kick start the digestive process and get our salivary glands secreting digestive enzymes, so when the food hits our mouths, we have already begun the digestive process.

This is where the saying, we eat with our eyes comes from.


Trish’s fave Antiox Mix

Cacao Nibs, Chia Seeds, Goji Berries, Dried Mulberries, Bee Pollen and Hemp Seeds

Optional: Hemp Seeds for additional Protein,

PLANT PROTEIN: 3 T of Hemp Seeds is around 10g of protein

It’s important to eat a variety of foods to get the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals we need to support our health and wellbeing. We can have a tendency to eat the same small group of foods day in, day out, making it difficult to get all the nutrients we need to function optimally.


Elevated Nut Butter Toast

Toasted nut/seed bread * or bread of choice. Home made nut butter, recipe here.

Top with sliced fruit for extra antioxidants and fibre.

+ sprinkle lavishly with mix

* my fave nut / seed loaf recipe to come

Superfoods: all of these foods are extremely nutrient dense, (high nutrient to size ratio) and up the nutrient profile of your meal.

  • Raw Cacao has 40 x the Antioxidants of Blueberries, is full of magnesium, which is great for stress, relaxation, muscle aches and can help with clarity and focus, it’s also a Natural Mood Elevator and Anti-Depressant as cacao is a great source of bliss chemicals including serotonin and tryptophan.

  • Bee Pollen is full of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, is great for immunity and inflammation and is said to help with allergies such as hay fever, (obviously do your own research and work out what is best for you).

  • Chia Seeds are a potent source of Omega 3 fatty acids, protein, fibre, antioxidants and minerals and are a great way to clear the digestive system as they absorb water and swell or expand and can have a sweeping effect through the digestive tract as a result.

  • Goji Berries are super high in vitamin c and again full of antioxidants.

  • Mulberries, like all the other berries, are rich in anti-oxidants which are renowned as effective anti-aging agents and promote glowing, youthful skin.

sprinkles on fruit.jpg

Sprinkle liberally on.

Fruit & yoghurt


Smoothie bowls

Dessert of choice!

Antioxidants are substances that can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals, unstable molecules that the body produces as a reaction to environmental and other pressures.


How to set an INTENTION and why it matters
